Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Baby Cows - Lincoln and Roosevelt

On May 29, 2009, we got some calves. Their names are Lincoln and Roosevelt. When we got them, we were about 1 week old.

They are very cute. We met one of them at a school field trip I had to Poor Farm Park. There were farm animals on display, including a mother cow and her newborn calf. While I ate lunch, Daddy asked the farm owner if we could buy the newborn calf, who was named Bobby (who we renamed Roosevelt). The next day, the farmer called Daddy, and we all went to the farm where the calves lived. We bought Bobby and another calf named Ricky (who we renamed Lincoln). They were 1 week old. We brought them home in our trailer, and they were very scared.

We bottle feed them 2-3 times a day. We will do this until they are about 6-8 weeks old. When we feed them they butt us with their heads, because that is their way of telling us that they are still hungry. If one finishes before the other, they try to steal each other?s bottles. We have to separate them when they do this.

They eat grain and milk. They suck on each other?s ears while they eat, because they are showing that they still want more milk. We have to separate them when they do this. They have grown bottom teeth. They will suck on your fingers if they want to and if you let them. It feels weird when they suck on your fingers.

Once Roosevelt got sick, He only drank half of his bottle. He seemed sad and slow and he laid down a lot. When Roosevelt got sick we gave him an antibiotic. That is a shot that makes germs and viruses go away. Daddy and I went to the store and bought the antibiotic, and Daddy gave him some shots.

Once when we came into their stall with the bottles, only Roosevelt came to the bottles. Lincoln seemed dehydrated, but then he got better.

Once they escaped into the neighbor?s yard. We went into the wooded area we call the Kingdom of Gary (where Gary the groundhog lives) and lowered the fence so they couldn't roll under it. We put some sticks through the fence to make it sturdier.

Roosevelt has more freckles then Lincoln. Lincoln has six freckles. Roosevelt has many freckles on his nose.

When they run, they look like they are dancing. They like to play and run over the fields. I like having calves. It is fun playing and cuddling them.


  1. So cute...My husband wants to buy cows too, he thinks that I drink to much milk. Which I am sure you know is costly.
    Great update.

  2. These calves are so cute! I'm sure they are a lot of work but also lots of fun!
